Monday, May 13, 2013


A dream starts it all. If we do not dream... we will not prosper, at least that is how I feel currentlm certain if I took 5 minutes I could find a million quotes on chasing dreams spoken with much more eloquence than I, yet it is getting late and I have a dirty kitchen and two kids waking up at 7. 

   This entry will be short, basic and a vision. First; blogging has always interested me though to be honest my attention span could kill this before it makes it as far as all my family ;-). Second; I am deeply called to adjust my and my family's lives to a simple, sustainable, healthy and happy lifestyle. Don't we all want that? The trend toward taking those few steps back in time whilst simultaneously embracing advances for the greater good is the "thing" right now right? 

Last is my vision... 

To embrace our transition to healthier lives while respecting and caring for all God has made. To move back in time to less technological methods, less processed foods, and more fellowship. To utilize the blog for accountability, information, fellowship, and maybe a dollar or two ;-). 

I reserve the right to change my mind at any time... thus all previous statements may be altered or rendered obsolete at any future point in time :-). 

Subscribe to follow me, if nothing else you may just get a laugh at my expense... and as long as you smile I consider that a win!

Till we meet again, 
Mrs. Greene